Saturday, May 9, 2009

i hate pc's

i hate my computer. it gets a new and (not) fun virus like, every few months, no matter what precautions i take. i guess now is that time of the year again, because it is acting screwier than.....ah hell it's just acting screwy. i need to get a macbook as soon as i can. this could take a while, however. guess i'll just have to rough it with this dinosaur. i probably sound totally ungrateful and like an arrogant ass, but i'm just getting out all of my pent up frustration. anyway, on to happier things. the show at the barbary was real cool, even though the stage was TINY. makes me excited to play the note again in west chester this week. that will def be a lot of fun. it'll be good to play with the scenic again, too. that's all i got for right now, and for any mother that happens to stumble upon this little blog, happy mother's day.


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