Monday, April 6, 2009


well, after a fun little adventure to maine (with a few stops along the way) i'm finally home, typing this in the couch in my bedroom. i donated my day to the roads today, mainly 1-95 south. eleven solid hours. tried to sleep, but couldn't. i loaded up the ol' i-pod with tons of new music that i was looking forward to listening to (mute math, radiohead, paul mccartney, the kooks, the decemberists), but i only really listened to one cd the entire time. its from a little band called the weepies, and they are my new musical crush. my good friends at wikipedia tell me they're from massachusetts, but i swear they both have major irish accents. ah well, maybe i'm just crazy. anyway, go get they're cd "say i am you." good times all around. back to regular life now. we'll see if i remember how this goes.

p.s. what does the term happy as a clam mean? that weird to anyone else?

1 comment:

  1. I think that people generally consider clams to be happy. How could they not be... they sit on the bottom of some body of water and exist...
    Their lives aren't too horribly complex, and I would think that to be as happy as a clam you would be basically saying that you were merely content with your life...
